'Percy Jackson y el mar de los monstruos', la película (2024)

Desesperados por encontrar la fórmula que repita los éxitos de las franquicias de 'El señor de los anillos' y Harry Potter sin al parecer darse cuenta que ambas sagas contaban ya con legiones de fans antes de ser llevadas a la gran pantalla, las grandes productoras de Hollywood siguen tratando de reventar las taquillas con ideas que, en el mejor de los casos —como pasaba con la primera parte de la cinta que hoy nos ocupa— no son más que refritos multireferenciales envueltos en espectaculares efectos visuales.

Sea como fuere, 'Percy Jackson y el ladrón del rayo' ('Percy Jackson and the Lighting Thief', Chris Columbus, 2010) era la apuesta de la Fox hace tres años en el sentido que hemos descrito en el párrafo anterior: adaptando el primero de cinco libros de una saga que mezcla la mitología clásica con elementos modernos, Columbus conseguía un filme entretenido cuya taquilla no parecía ser garante de continuidad, de ahí la sorpresa el pasado 2012 cuando se anunció que el personaje creado por Rick Riordan volvería a la gran pantalla con este 'Percy Jackson y los monstruos del mar' ('Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters', Thor Freudenthal, 2013).

El argumento

'Percy Jackson y el mar de los monstruos', la película (1)

El filme continua narrando el viaje Percy Jackson, semidiós hijo de Poseidón, para cumplir con su destino. En esta ocasión, salvar al mundo requerirá que Percy y sus amigos encuentren el mítico y mágico Vellocino de Oro. Embarcándose en una traicionera odisea en las desconocidas aguas del Mar de los Monstruos —lo que los humanos llamamos el Triángulo de las Bermudas—, el grupo tendrá que combatir a criaturas terribles, a un ejército de zombies y, en última instancia, al Mal propiamente dicho.

El director

'Percy Jackson y el mar de los monstruos', la película (2)

En una maniobra similar a la que termináramos viendo en la saga de Harry Potter y tras haber iniciado una franquicia que, de funcionar debería llegar a los cinco filmes, Chris Columbus ha sido sustituido en esta segunda entrega de las aventuras de Percy Jackson por un realizador de esos de saldo que le debe haber supuesto a la productora un gasto mínimo.

Nacido en Alemania, Thor Freudhental arrancó su carrera a mediados de los noventa con la realización de varios cortos antes de pasar a la gran pantalla hace tan sólo cuatro años con la muy olvidable —y olvidada— 'Hotel para perros' ('Hotel for Dogs', 2009). Tras dicho título llegaría la más afortunada traslación a la gran pantalla de 'El diario de Greg' ('Diary of a Wimpy Kid', 2010), un entretenido producto que, probablemente, ha sido el responsable directo de la elección del cineasta para llevar al cine esta nueva incursión en las páginas ideadas por Riordan.

Los actores

'Percy Jackson y el mar de los monstruos', la película (3)

Como todo filme juvenil que se precie, la primera parte de Percy Jackson carecía de nombres conocidos entre sus protagonistas principales ya que, aunque semi conocidos, los rostros de Logan Lerman, Alexandra Daddario y Brandon T. Jackson nunca habían contado con llevar el peso de la acción hasta entonces: efectivos y poco más, los tres actores han ido apareciendo desde entonces aquí y allá con desiguales fortunas en sus decisiones artísticas.

Y así, si a Jackson lo podíamos ver en 'Esta abuela es mi padre' ('Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son', John Whitesell, 2011), y a Daddario en varias series de televisión y filmes como 'Carta Blanca' ('Hall Pass', Peter & Bobby Farrelly, 2011) o 'La matanza de Texas 3D' ('Texas Chainsaw 3D', John Luessenhop, 2013), es a Lerman al que más atención deberíamos prestar, y no tanto por su participación en 'Los tres mosqueteros' ('The Three Musketeers', Paul W.S.Anderson, 2011) sino por su espléndido papel en la maravillosa 'Las ventajas de ser un marginado' ('The Perks of Being a Wallflower', Stephen Chbosky, 2012).

Volviendo a tirar, como ya hicieran para el filme anterior, de cameos de estrellas más o menos consagradas y con las notables ausencias en esta segunda parte de Pierce Brosnan, Catherine Keener o Rosario Dawson —la primera parte contó con 95 millones de presupuesto, la segunda se ha rodado con 90— 'Percy Jackson y los monstruos del mar' cuenta de nuevo con Sean Bean en la piel de Zeus, actor al que se añaden las presencias de Stanley Tucci y Nathan Fillion.

Todos los videos de 'Percy Jackson y los monstruos del mar'

  • Trailer 1

  • Trailer 2

  • Trailer Internacional
  • Trailer Español

  • Entrevista con los actores

  • Detrás de las cámaras

  • Entrevistas en el set de rodaje

  • 4 clips del filme

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'Percy Jackson y el mar de los monstruos', la película (2024)


Who is Percy Jackson's girlfriend in the movie? ›

Annabeth Chase

Demigod daughter of Athena. Girlfriend of Percy Jackson.

Will there be a season 2 of Percy Jackson? ›

Percy Jackson will be embarking on another quest to protect Camp Half-Blood. Disney Branded Entertainment's Percy Jackson and the Olympians series has been officially renewed for Season 2 at Disney+.

Why is there no third movie of Percy Jackson? ›

Percy Jackson movies disappointed fans and performed poorly at the box office, leading to the abandonment of Percy Jackson 3. The Percy Jackson TV show on Disney+ offers a chance for a faithful adaptation of the books, with the author's involvement ensuring a true-to-source material approach.

Is there a Percy Jackson 2 movie? ›

The second installment, Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters, was originally intended to be released in March 2013 but was instead pushed back to August 7, 2013, and was directed by Thor Freudenthal.

Who did Percy kiss? ›

Percy pulled Annabeth close and kissed her... long enough for it to get really awkward for Piper, though she said nothing. She thought about the old rule of Aphrodite's cabin: that to be recognized as a daughter of the love goddess, you had to break someone's heart.

Did Percy and Annabeth get married? ›

Yes, Annabeth is married to Percy Jackson, and has three kids: Cast, Ethan, and Zoe. How was Annabeth Chase born? Annabeth Chase is the half-blood daughter of the goddess Athena and the mortal man Frederick Chase.

How old is Percy in Percy Jackson 2? ›

This book chronicles the adventures of thirteen-year-old demigod Percy Jackson as he and his friends rescue his satyr friend Grover from the Cyclops Polyphemus and save Camp Half-Blood from a Titan's attack by bringing the Golden Fleece to cure Thalia's poisoned pine tree.

Why did they cancel Percy Jackson? ›

Summary. Percy Jackson movies disappointed fans and performed poorly at the box office, leading to the abandonment of Percy Jackson 3. The Percy Jackson TV show on Disney+ offers a chance for a faithful adaptation of the books, with the author's involvement ensuring a true-to-source material approach.

Will there be a sixth Percy Jackson? ›

It was released on September 26, 2023 by Disney Hyperion. It is the sixth novel of the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series, and serves as a follow-up to the original five books, taking place after the events of the series The Heroes of Olympus but before the series The Trials of Apollo.

Is Thalia good or bad in Percy Jackson? ›

Thalia helps Percy and the other demigods defend Manhattan. At the end of the story, Thalia is still alive, and is granted help in getting more Hunters, because a lot of the Hunters died.

What happens to Thalia in Percy Jackson? ›

As they reached Half-Blood Hill, Thalia sent Luke, Grover, and Annabeth over the boundary line while she faced the monsters. She sacrificed her life for her friends, but her father Zeus took pity on her and turned her into a pine tree to preserve her, keeping the rest of the camp safe.

What happened to Percy Jackson's mom? ›

Sally Jackson's fate in the TV show suggests she is killed by the Minotaur, but the books reveal that she is actually alive and in the Underworld with Hades. Hades takes Sally in order to use her as a bargaining chip to retrieve his stolen Helm of Darkness, which he believes Percy stole along with Zeus' Master Bolt.

Why doesn't Annabeth like Cyclops? ›

So, Annabeth doesn't like Tyson solely for the reason of being a Cyclops, the same race as the monster that killed her friend.

Is Tyson actually Percy's brother? ›

Percy has a half-brother named Tyson, who is a cyclops. Though Percy is related to virtually every character and creature in Greek mythology through his father Poseidon, Tyson is one of the only beings whom he acknowledges as family.

Will there be a Percy Jackson 3? ›

Is Percy Jackson 3 happening? Logan Lerman says no - IMDb. Logan Lerman has said that a third Percy Jackson movie is "not happening". The Noah star took on the title role in 2010's fantasy film Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief and last year's sequel Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters.

Who is Percy in love with? ›

Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. Throughout all series, Percy and Annabeth have shown many romantic feelings for each other, mainly in The Last Olympian and The Battle of the Labyrinth, though Annabeth shows it more than Percy, and Percy just thinks about it instead.

Does Percy have a girlfriend? ›

One of the character's darkest moments comes in The House of Hades, when Percy discovers that he can control the water in a person's body, and uses it to torture the goddess Akhlys. Percy's girlfriend Annabeth Chase is present and brings him to his senses, but remains haunted by his readiness to use that new power.

Are Percy and Annabeth dating? ›

They are together at the end of the series. It is hinted that they might be married one day in the future, as Annabeth said she wanted "to build something permanent," and Percy states that maybe they were "getting a good start together.”

Who does Thalia date in Percy Jackson? ›

Shortly after Thalia came across another demigod, Luke Castellan, a son of Hermes. They became friends and joined forces to fight the monsters that attacked them. They have romantic feelings for each other.

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.